The Coalition Reacts to Draft Law Initiated by Georgian Dream and to the Venice Commission’s Opinion

On October 9, the Venice Commission published an unprecedentedly critical opinion regarding the Organic Law

Vision on the Judiciary Reform Process

Despite several waves of reforms carried out over the years, the Georgian judicial system still

BREN is supporting our organization for the second time in a raw

The founders of our organization, together with the British Ambassador to Georgia, attended the presentation

European Foundation dedicates an article to our work

Prevention for Progress was founded in 2014 as a civil society organization. For many years

ევროპის ფონდი ჩვენს შესახებ

ევროპის ფონდის“ მხარდაჭერით, ჩვენ განვახორციელეთ პროექტი „შეუნარჩუნე სიცოცხლე“.  შევქმენით დოკუმენტი სუიციდის პრევენციის პოლიტიკის ანალიზის სახით


Prevention for Progress (PFP)