Child Welfare

Child Welfare

 Child welfare is the unity of initiatives and policy, aiming at protection of children’s health and ensuring their welfare, protection from the harmful effects of poverty and from domestic or any other form of violence or negligence towards them.


  • Children;
  • Children at risk;
  • Institutions and personnel working on child welfare.


  • Improved juvenile delinquency prevention mechanisms;
  • Increased access to child-friendly services;
  • Improved inter-agency coordination in child welfare.
  • Criminological study of deviant behavior in children. Reasons to deviant behavior in children aged 10-14 years will be studied, recommendations for reintegration and prevention will be developed. Analysis of juvenile services will also be conducted and recommendations developed to improve the existing system;
  • Developing a system for managing, referring and accessing services to the problems of children below the minimum age of criminal responsibility and with difficult behaviors.
  • Advocacy for the involvement of local self-governments in preventive policy will be intensified;
  • Bailiff system refinement in schools. Supporting access to social workers and special education teachers in schools;
  • Participation in development of referral mechanism for children with deviant behavior. As part of a study on the causes of deviant behavior, recommendations will be developed to introduce a more effective referral system tailored to the best interests of the child;
  • The relevant recommendations will be issued to increase qualification of specialists (social workers, teachers, bailiffs) working in child welfare, comprehensive study of specific entities and improving their work. Experts of the organization will be directly involved in the development and piloting of specific services, evaluation documents by individual agencies (at this stage the referral center), will provide expert support to them and carry out other activities required to strengthen the capacity of the entity;
  • The organization will study suicide statistics among youth in the country, evaluate reliability of statistics and determines recommendations in terms of changes in state policy in this direction. The organization will actively try to advocate to start the process of determining the suicide policy and to develop it in the right direction, as well as ensure provision of suicide prevention online service to the youth for a specific period.