“Marneuli Youth for Changes”

Implementation Period: 2022 – 2023 წწ.

Donor: The Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR)

Budget: £24 379.26


During the project implementation period, several significant goals were accomplished. Firstly, an analysis of the 2022 budget of Marneuli was conducted to assess the existing funding policies of youth programs in the context of the needs of young people.

The awareness of Marneuli youth has raised about the decision-making process. 

The local NGO “Civic Engagement and Activism Center (CEAC)” was strengthened institutionally within the project. CEAC representatives were provided with several training sessions and moreover, CEAC’s communication strategy and action plan were developed.

Important steps were taken in the budget Marneuli, resulting in an 82% increase in the 2023 budget for developing a sports field compared to the previous year.