Enhancements of the Juvenile Referral Mechanism for Children Below the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility and Difficult Behavior.

Project – Enhancements of the Juvenile Referral Mechanism for Children Below the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility and Difficult Behavior.

Donor – UNICEF Georgia.

Duration – 2021 – 2023 year.

Budget328 690 GEL.

Goal – The goal of the project is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the juvenile referral system, with difficult behavior who have not reached the age of criminal responsibility and develop recommendations for relevant agencies (National Probation Agency; Juvenile Referral Center; Prosecutor’s Office; Ministry of Internal Affairs; State Care Agency; Ministry of Education and Science). Also, the goal of the project was institutional strengthening of the Juvenile Referral Center.

Outcomes – Detailed analysis of the activities and process of the Juvenile Referral Center; Institutional strengthening of the Referral Center and the agencies involved in the referral process; Establishment of a quality and monitoring system for the Referral Center; Conceptualization of psycho-social programs on the basis of the referral center.