Awareness Raising about the Judicial System in Marneuli and Bolnisi Municipalities.

Project – Awareness Raising about the Judicial System in Marneuli and Bolnisi Municipalities.

Donor – USAID Georgia.

Duration – 9 month (05.01.2023 – 31.01.2024).

Budget$ 31 463.00

Partner organization – CEAC.

Goal – to contribute to raising public awareness about the judicial system and the role of the judicial system in shaping people’s well-being in the municipalities of Marneuli and Bolnisi, which in turn will improve access to justice for minorities.

Outcomes Within the framework of the project, meetings of judges with the local population were held, where citizens had the opportunity to ask questions on different topics, which was their field of interest. Public discussions were also held with local non-governmental organizations, lawyers, prosecutors and other interested parties. A number of programs were held in Radio Marneuli on various challenges in the process of access to justice in the Kvemo Kartli region.